
Aromatic Solvent

Aromatic Solvent is commonly used in dissolution of resine, Paint, Ink, Agrochemicals and etc. with taking advantage of high solubility.

Typical properties

Items Units
Aromatic Solvent
S100 S150
Density 15℃ g/cm3 0.8751 0.8959
Boiling Point 160.5 183.5
Dry Point 178.0 206.5
Saybolt Colour   30 30
Flash Point TAG   46.5 65.5
Doctor Test   Negative Negative
Mixed Aniline Point 13.8 14.9
Aromatics vol% 99.1 100.0
  • The values described above are representative values, not the sales specifications. These values may vary with a certain range.


These SDSs in English are posted for your reference.
